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Serve One Another | Bailey Horn

Serve One Another
Bailey Horn | April 14, 2024

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve other, as faithful stewards of
God's grace in its various forms.
1 Peter 4;10, NIV

There's something to be said about a believer, who uses their gifts and a believer who has gifts, but never uses them. It is the difference between a parked car and a car in drive. God has blessed believers with so many amazing gifts. These gifts could be spiritual gifts, financial gifts, passions, or talents. The goal of receiving gifts is not that the receiver may use them for themselves. Rather, the point of gifts is that the receiver may use those gifts to serve others and to glorify Christ.

James 1:17 tells us that "every good and perfect gift is from above". Our gifts are not really our gifts. Our gifts belong to God as he has entrusted them uniquely to each believer. No one gift is greater than another. Every gift is important to the body of Christ. So, what do we do with these gifts?

Peter also tells us to be stewards of the gifts that we have received. To steward is to take care of what you've been given. It is a picture of somebody entrusting me their house. It is my job to take care of the house and to prepare the house for the owner and the guests. This requires action and hard work.

We serve not to receive a pat on the back. We serve because we acknowledge that service is what the Christian walk is about. We serve not to receive anything. We serve because we love. Service is all about putting other people above yourself. This means that we hold our gifts with an open hand. We ask God to use our gifts for His purpose and His plan.

So my challenge to you is this: Who can you serve? And how can you serve them?

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